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Solve for Safer Schools

Radio One/CSE Crosscom is collaborating with Motorola Solutions to Solve for Safer Schools. Together we enable next-generation school safety by designing, deploying and maintaining the latest technologies across every part of the safety and security ecosystem to help protect students, staff, facilities and communities. This innovative safety and security ecosystem allows schools to integrate communications, video security and access control, software and service solutions to help schools and school districts respond to everyday incidents as well as prepare for emergencies. 

By unifying voice, video and data analytics into a single connected ecosystem, Radio One/CSE Crosscom  helps schools leverage once disparate technologies, such as two-way radios, video surveillance and access control, to work more collaboratively to connect and enable first responders, schools, students and parents. 

For over 30 years, Radio One/CSE Crosscom has been a trusted name for our some of the largest school districts across Florida for mission-critical and enterprise-critical communications. Did you also know Radio One is also a trusted partner for video surveillance and access control, data analytics, in-building wireless and other services that support schools? 

As one of Motorola Solutions’ premier Safety Reimagined partners, Radio One/CSE Crosscom is uniquely qualified, trained and certified to offer this ecosystem of voice, video and data analytics. This portfolio of end-to-end technologies provides customers with a unified platform that keeps them safe, initiates proactive responses and delivers improved outcomes.  


safer school emergency

Safety & Security for Everyday and Emergency Events 

These end-to-end solutions support a collaborative and proactive approach to safety and security. From detection with video surveillance cameras, to locking down facilities with access control, and incident management software, the Solving for Safer ecosystem automates workflows for both everyday and emergency events.   

Through built-in AI and pre-programmed workflows, the video management software promptly analyzes unusual behaviors and potential risks, delivering critical alerts and initiating preprogrammed responses. 

Potential threats or unusual activity are detected and automatically communicated, triggering access control lockdowns while simultaneously informing the local authorities. Real-time communications with local law enforcement ensure a timely and informed response, saving crucial seconds. 


school public safety

Safer Schools 

At Radio One/CSE Crosscom we are committed to protecting our communities’ most precious resources and providing them with a secure environment that enables students to thrive. 

By working together with Motorola Solutions, the technologies we deploy enable the collaboration between schools and the local public safety agencies for a proactive approach to safety and security.   


The Motorola Solutions Technology Ecosystem allows schools to address everyday concerns as well as unusual activity through four pillars: Detect, Analyze, Communicate and Respond.  



Detection Solutions: Detection plays a critical role in improving situational awareness and decreasing response times to potential issues and operational problems.  

Managing the safety and security of your school or campus can represent a significant challenge. Overseeing your facility’s entrances and exits, monitoring the coming and going of students, faculty and visitors, and screening for concealed weapons detection (CWD) all play a critical role in minimizing potential threats. 

Integrated video security and analytic software allows you to monitor and identify any unusual activity as well as potential intruders before they can gain access to your facilities. Automatic license plate recognition cameras analyze vehicles entering and exiting campus and alert authorities to suspicious activity.  Access control provides entry management capabilities that feature automated lock downs and push notifications to your resource officer’s radios alerting them real-time of a potential breach. 

Detection Solutions: 

  • Video Security: Features specialized cameras for every location from fisheye for classrooms to high definition for parking lots and stadiums and multi-sensor for hallways, even body-worn cameras for resource officers. 
  • License Plate Recognition:  Automatically alert campus safety and law enforcement when threat-designated vehicles enter school grounds.  
  • Access Control: Manage access to buildings or restricted areas and initiate immediate lockdown capabilities with push notifications from predetermined devices. 
  • Concealed Weapons Detection: Strategically placed concealed weapons detection screens visitors and students at twice the speed of conventional systems and triggers alerts to resource officers if someone attempts to bring a handheld weapon through the system.   

All of these solutions can be integrated to improve your school’s situational awareness and increase early risk detection so you can mitigate situations before they escalate.  



Analytic Solutions: Analyzing available data can be overwhelming without incorporating the latest in-video analytic software to provide real-time insights into campus activity.  

The latest video analytic software allows users to detect suspicious individuals or activity within your school or campus, providing timely insights . Appearance search queries allow you to scan video footage and locate students and visitors through descriptions such as physical features, clothing, backpacks, gym bags or purses, allowing for fast and easy identification . Unusual motion detection reveals atypical activity which needs to be investigated. Ultimately, these insights provide proactive monitoring and enable proper personnel to respond to suspicious activity before incidents occur or escalate.  

Analytic Solutions: 

  • Appearance Search: Locate persons of interest faster with video search that can be initiated by entering physical descriptions such as gender and age, hair color, clothing or vehicle type and color. 
  • CommandCentral Aware: Incident management software provides reporting and insights with complete eyes-on-the-scene real-time video, GPS location tracking information, incident intelligence and direct communication connections with the proper faculty and resources closest to the scene. 
  • Self-Learning Video Analytics: Monitor school properties 24/7 with video analytic software that detects and identifies unusual or abnormal behavior, triggering alerts to predetermined personnel to take appropriate action.  

Thanks to these analytic solutions, valuable insights allow you to assess what people or events are important and to initiate the proper response.   



Communications Solutions: Being able to communicate clearly across devices, networks and locations is an important part of ensuring you and your entire team are always connected and informed.   

Clear and reliable communication plays a vital role in creating a seamlessly connected and protected school or campus. Communication devices such as two-way radios, Push-To-Talk Over Cellular and LTE devices allow administration, security, faculty, staff and bus drivers to stay connected in the moments that matter. From intuitive dispatch consoles that make it easy to notify and share information, to software applications like radio alerts that instantly disseminate messages, and mass communications software technology that enables critical information to be shared with parents quickly and easily, it all helps keep your school, campus, district and community safe and aware. 

Communications Solutions: 

MOTOTRBO Two-Way Radios: MOTOTRBO radios ensure your teams can hear and be heard across the campus or district. With superior voice clarity, long battery life and extended range, the MOTOTRBO portfolio of devices offers the right device for the right worker with advanced features for the sophisticated user.     

WAVE PTX/TLK: WAVE allows you to share voice and data across the district, state or country. It enables enhanced push-to-talk capabilities with the ability to share details via text, photo, video or file attachment to smartphones, tablets, laptops and landlines. 

Rave Mobile Safety: Supports coordinated emergency efforts by communicating operational updates and alerts, so security teams and individuals are better informed to take appropriate action.  

Creating a connected campus and community is an important part of creating a safe and collaborative educational environment where you and your team are always informed. 



Responsive Solutions: 

Whether it’s an everyday situation or an emergency, being ready and aware can make a critical difference to your response and communication to incidents or problems before they escalate.  

Interoperability between technologies and devices makes it easier to share data with response teams in real-time, enhancing situational awareness. Video surveillance, license plate recognition and body-worn cameras all deliver a powerful resource of capabilities, including live streaming for instant response and automated recording through Bluetooth sensors and beacons.  

Your connected devices enable a smarter response to situations and better protection for your security staff.  

Incident management capabilities streamline the logging of incident reports and make it easy to share comprehensive information and review procedures for future decision-making protocols.  

Enabling rapid response and documenting incidents can be enlightening when it comes to preventing future incidents from escalating. 

Responsive Solutions: 

Body Cameras: Equipping your SROs and relevant personnel with bodycams enables them to document and mitigate confrontations. Body-worn cameras provide unbiased evidence that deters aggression, protects the wearer and delivers high-quality video documentation. 

Critical Connect: Seamlessly manage communication networks and links between personnel, response teams and on-site staff as well as with local first responders. 

Ally: Streamline end-to-end incident and records management with customizable record fields and multimedia attachments, all accessible from web-enabled devices. 

Dynamically communicate with local first responders by providing real-time insights and eyes-on-the-scene with video from your operations center and connect with two-way radio networks to share situational and location intelligence as they arrive on the scene.  


solving for safer

Solving for Safer Schools 

Radio One/CSE Crosscom is working together with Motorola Solutions to transform the way we enhance the safety and security of our communities’ schools by leveraging the collective capabilities of voice, video and data analytics. By unifying these technologies, our solutions can provide enhanced situational awareness that results in more coordinated collaboration and outcomes.  

We recognize that when people work together in more collaborative and connected ways, we can help solve for safer schools, safer communities, safer everywhere.  

If you are not getting this kind of response from your safety and security technology, talk with your Radio One/CSE Crosscom sales professional about how we can help you solve for safety. 


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Call us toll-free at 800-771-9191